Whichever swinging website you may choose, you have to make sure that you will properly fill out your entire online profile so that you can attract more like-minded friends and also potential play partners. However, initially, you must avoid oversharing.
Extra information that you want to share can always be added later, as you cannot un-share anything once you have shared it on any platform. Like most swingers, you also must be doing this privately, and without disclosing it to any of your friends and family. You surely do not want to expose yourself.
The website dudethrill.com also has shared much info about swinger if enjoy partner-swapping, 3-some, group sex, etc. which is no more socially unacceptable than it used to be before. Let us discuss the few steps that you need to follow while creating your swinger profile.
1. Choosing your screen name
You will be known by your screen name and that will be used for introducing yourself to the swinger community. Choose such a screen name, which is easy to spell to help swingers to easily remember if they try to contact you even after meeting at a swinger event.
Ensure that your screen name should not reveal your identity however keep it something that you can easily connect to and also relevant to you.
2. Use your picture
You need to show yourself to other swingers and so you must upload a nice new picture of yourself in a new style. Do not use your old pictures that most people are familiar with. You can use your own creativity but make sure that people can recognize you later if they ever decide to meet you in person.
3. Write your details
You must be honest and upfront, but don’t overshare. You must give some interesting details about yourself and also state your present situation interestingly. If you are not too sure what you should write, then take a look at the profile of many other swingers and take inspiration from their details.
4. Stay positive
Be honest about what you don’t like but it should not appear as a negative statement. Rather than saying that you will not be interested in couples who will jump right into bed, you must state about the couple whom you want to meet. You can specifically mention here what turns you on rather than saying what turns you off.
5. Protect your privacy
You may bend your details a bit so that you can hide your real identity. You need not offer your actual location, but shift it to a different location just to protect your identity. However, don’t lie too much as swingers will not like it very much if they find that you have been cheating him or her for all these days.
You must also add some humor to show your funny bone a bit more. How you project your own personality is all your own creativity. You may do a little more than just showing your close-up photos of rather big breasts or your big dick but also add a few lines in the profile to attract a few quality playmates.