If you’re one of those men who want to learn how to have great sex with your wife, you’ve come to the right place. You want to satisfy her and you want it to be a passionate encounter that both of you will cherish for the rest of your lives. You want to know the top secret tips on how to have great sex with your wife tonight. Here they are: porn videos
Get her turned on real good before you begin penetration. You want her to be turned on because it will intensify the sexual experience for her. Don’t just touch her to start. Take your time and stimulate every single inch of her body while you do this. You don’t need to worry about touching her the right spots because you’re going to guide her hand and lips.
Be careful when you’re thrusting. You don’t want to hurt her and you want to ensure the utmost pleasure. If you haven’t had the foreplay that you need prior to having intercourse, you’re going to find that it’s very difficult to get her aroused in the manner that you want to. You have to be able to get her to a point where you’re going to have to stimulate her until she’s at her peak and then you can have great sex with your wife.
Spend time on the clitoris. One of the most sensitive areas on a woman’s body is her clitoris. If you can learn how to have great sex with your wife on the clitoris, you’ll be able to bring her to new heights of excitement every single time.
You have to focus on pleasuring her for all nine months of the year. When you’re trying to figure out how to have great sex with your wife, you have to remember that she’ll be more open to trying new things with you if you do this for her. If you spend half of the year locked in the bedroom, it will be much more likely for her to open up to you during the other half. This means that you can make great sex more likely by stimulating her every single day of the year.
If she gets impatient with you, that’s definitely a turn-off. If you find yourself getting frustrated with the speed of your progress or the position that you’re in, this is definitely a turn-off for her. It’s important that she feels as though you’re making an effort to please her and that you’re willing to go the distance. When you want to know how to have great sex with your wife, you have to make it clear that the pace has to be yours and not hers. If she gets too frustrated with what you’re doing, it will only cause a lack of interest.
Another common turn-off for women is being afraid to try new sexual positions. Some women don’t want to try new sexual positions because they are afraid that they will look weak or like a wimp if they don’t. The truth is, women often enjoy new sexual positions just as much as men do. If you want to learn how to have great sex with your wife, you have to take the initiative. You have to be the one to ask her what she wants and show her that you trust her and that you want to please her.
Learning how to have great sex with your wife isn’t difficult if you understand her needs and desires. Make sure that you listen to her and do everything that she wants. One of the most important tips on how to have great sex with your wife knows what her sexual fantasies are and fulfilling them. If your wife doesn’t tell you what she wants during sex, you need to figure it out for yourself and then talk to her about it. Many times women will share what they fantasize about with their partners and this is the step on how to have great sex with your wife that every man should know.