Can you believe it’s already been a year since your last date? Maybe you should make plans ASAP! You don’t want to let yourself go, do you??
For those of you that haven’t heard of them, Splendour and Laneway festivals are huge events held locally at Elder Park where local and international acts come together for an epic three days. If you’re looking up possible date ideas in Adelaide – why not consider one of these? They’re easy to get too (bus terminals right outside each location) and they’ll be guaranteed great fun as long as the person/people you’ll be sharing it with aren’t complete saddos.
Life-size Jenga… now THIS is a true test of bae’s trust.
While Laneway festivals are known for their indie acts, Splendour is more your typical “dance” music festival – think Calvin Harris, Tiesto and Martin Garrix type stuff. You might still be able to get away with wearing jeans to this one, but it’s probably easier if you wear something a little nicer… like full-length denim dungarees! See… told ya there’d be an excuse for you to buy new clothes!
Sure, these may not be the most original ideas in the world – but at least you’ll have done something that resembles a date rather than just meeting up over coffee or spending their night browsing Reddit on the sofa while you watch Netflix until they fall asleep.
Hey, not everyone is perfect!
Don’t stress too much though – you might be in luck and they might’ve already made plans. If this is the case, be excited for them! They’ve clearly worked hard to make it special for you, so enjoy the night out!!
Every year Splendour attracts thousands of visitors across Australia – young and old alike. All these people are there to have fun, let loose and have a great time with friends – so even if your date hasn’t planned anything, you never know what might happen!!
There’s plenty of bars and pubs around the city where you can enjoy some drinks and maybe hit the dance floor. What better way to bond than to drunkenly try talking but have nothing come out other than slurred gibberish? Everyone knows that without alcohol, romance is impossible!
It also doesn’t hurt having a few drinks before Splendour starts just to get in the mood! If they’re driving, then pop over to their place beforehand for some pre-drinking shenanigans…. Who said romance was dead??
If all else fails…there’s always Tinder. Don’t worry too much about your date – it’s more important that you get the most out of your night. This is something you’ll remember for years to come, so there’s no point in stressing over every little detail!
Also, if they’re really hard work and stress you out more than anything else then you can always just ditch them halfway through the night and go off with someone who won’t annoy you as much.
And what if you can’t still land a date? Why don’t you head over to the Ivy Société page to find out the best escorts there could potentially be and do something about it.